If you live in Washington State, you know that Snoqualmie Pass can be a dreadful drive in the winter. The Pass experiences more closures and delays this time of year due to inclement weather, avalanches, avalanche control, and prevention work, as well as the clearing of accidents, snow, and ice. According to the Washington State… Read More
Driving Safely Over Snoqualmie Pass
Hydroplaning – Prevention and Recovery
Our last blog focused on safe vehicles for your teen drivers. While the safety features we recommend are important for new drivers, they are also a plus for seasoned drivers. The topic this month is hydroplaning, an all-too-common occurrence here in the Northwest. Wet roads, often piled with leaves or pine needles, require specific driving… Read More
Safe Cars For Teens
Here at Collision Specialists, we value your business. More importantly, though, we think highly of all of our customers and their loved ones. This month, we want to talk to you about your teen drivers – specifically the safety of the vehicles they may drive regularly. In a perfect world, we would most likely all… Read More
Prevent Property Theft From Your Vehicle
One summer evening, the police held an informative training session for residents who wished to learn more about personal safety. In neighborhoods all across town, cars were broken into, and thieves had taken cell phones, iPods, purses, wallets and countless other valuable items. The police office at the lectern asked the crowd how many people… Read More