6015 S Adams St, Tacoma, WA 98409 | (253) 476-0564
Tacoma’s Trusted Collision Repair Experts Since 1999


Avoid Collisions By Taking Extra Care At Stop Signs

According to a 2002 report from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, one third of all intersection crashes in the US, and more than 40% of fatal ones, occur at intersections controlled by stop signs.  Interestingly, about two-thirds of stop sign violation crashes involve drivers who say they stopped before proceeding. In this case, these… Read More

A Greener Car

You may not drive a hybrid car, or an electric car, but regardless of what you drive there are things you can do to make your car as environmentally friends as possible.  When you follow some of these steps, you’ll be getting better gas mileage, thus saving money and doing your part to protect the… Read More

Black Friday Accident Claims

Black Friday is right around the corner.  Some of us look forward to this day and some of us wouldn’t be caught dead out and about on Black Friday.  If you need another reason to stay home on Black Friday, here you go: Parking-related accident claims increase by 36.5% compared to Fridays two weeks before… Read More

Factors Contributing to Rollover Accidents

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, rollover accidents account for 33% of all passenger vehicle fatalities.   However, you are 75% less likely to be killed in a rollover accident if you are wearing your seatbelt!  Below are contributing factors involved in rollover accidents. TYPE OF VEHICLE All vehicles can rollover.  However, tall and narrow… Read More