6015 S Adams St, Tacoma, WA 98409 | (253) 476-0564
Tacoma’s Trusted Collision Repair Experts Since 1999

Stay Safe During Long Holiday Weekends

do not drink and drive sign

Long weekends such as the one we’re experiencing this weekend over the fourth are great for getting away.  The only problem is that getting away is great for A LOT of people, making the highways jam-packed.  Anytime you’re dealing with a crowd of significant size on the roads, you’ll also encounter a number of auto accidents.

While we’re not dealing with any weather issues this time of year, we are dealing with an increase in alcohol consumption.  A significant number of drivers on the road and an increase in drinking are not a good combination.  Another huge factor is that the holiday hugs the weekend.  Thirty to 60 percent more people die in accidents on the weekend than during the weekdays.

Because of this dangerous combination, law enforcement, State and local advocates and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are cracking down on drunk driving over the Labor Day weekend this year, August 16 to September 2.

According to trafficsafetymarketing.gov, “high-visibility enforcement can reduce drunk driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent.”  They are encouraging people to join the 2013 “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” crackdown.

The more people that can get on board to support public safety the better off all of us are.  It’s always important to be safe on the roads but extra caution should be used on holiday weekends.  Don’t drive while fatigued and always have a designated driver if drinking is a part of your holiday plans.

If you are involved in an accident make sure to exchange information with the other driver, call law enforcement, document the scene by taking pictures, and do not admit guilt.  If you need to have your vehicle towed, have it sent to your trusted auto accident repair shop in Tacoma, Collision Specialists.  Better yet, make us your first call and we can likely have it towed for you.

Holidays are stressful enough without having to deal with an auto accident too.  Knowing you’re dealing with a trustworthy auto repair shop makes the unfortunate situation much easier to manage.

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