Harsher weather will be here before you know it. Even the past couple of days have proven tricky for drivers. The heavy rain brought slippery roads and tougher driving conditions. All over Pierce and King County, driver’s drivers experienced a commute chock-full of back-ups. Here are a few things to think about for the upcoming months of rain and snow.
Get your car cleaned and waxed. The wax will protect your car against the harsher weather and road salt.
Change your wiper blades if they aren’t great. Visibility has been a factor this week and will continue to be for many months.
Check your tires for wear. Bald tires are extremely dangerous in the winter. Put a penny in the tread, if all you see is Abe Lincoln’s head, it’s time for new tires.
Keep your fuel tank at least half full at all times, this prevents damage from freezing but also means you probably won’t run out of gas in the dead of winter.
Get your car checked out for other essentials suck as: power steering fluid, brake check, transmission check, washer fluid, oil, and battery life.
Be prepared in case of an emergency. Have an emergency kit in your car, especially if you plan on driving over the mountains this winter. Some good things to have: blankets, sack of sand for traction, shovel, windshield scraper, tool kit, towrope, jumper cables, flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit, matches, extra clothing, flares, something bright you can tie around your antenna, food, and water.
Take these precautions now while we still have a few sunny days left. You’ll be able to rest assured that you’ll be good on the road for the season ahead.
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