The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) has examined the difference in accident rates between cars with and without this feature. The study found that claim frequencies for property damage liability were down by 14 percent on Mercedes-Benz models that offered the system. Their examination also showed smaller benefits in cutting down on injury and collision claims.
According to the U.S. DOT’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a major advantage to these collision mitigation systems is that they are fully integrated with a car’s anti-lock braking and stability control systems. But they also warn, that the effectiveness of the system depends on the condition of your vehicles brake system and tires. And of course, while these systems are great for assisting the driver in preventing an automobile accident, the driver is still the most important component in safely operating a car. This surely seems obvious to many, but an important reminder just the same.
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For more information check out the information provided by Consumer Reports and the U.S. DOT.