6015 S Adams St, Tacoma, WA 98409 | (253) 476-0564
Tacoma’s Trusted Collision Repair Experts Since 1999

Exterior Car Care Tips

Cleaning Your Vehicle by Collision Specialists in Tacoma

Exterior Car Care Tips From Your Local Auto Body Shop in Tacoma, Washington.

If you’ve had auto body work done on your car after an accident, you know the feeling of wanting to keep it looking good for as long as possible.  With spring in full swing, it also feels like a good time to keep our car’s exterior looking great.  Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid washing your car in direct sunlight and never wax in direct sunlight!
  • Rinse off dirt before beginning the wash; make sure to also rinse moving parts such as suspension components.
  • Use soap made for cars – do not use household detergents or soaps.
  • Clean tires first and then wheels.
  • Wash in straight lines, overlapping your strokes to minimize the amount of water that will need to be dried off.
  • Washing the inside bottom edge of doors, hood, trunk and lift gate will get rid of trapped dirt and moisture that can result in premature rusting.
  • Never dry wipe your car, which will result in scratches to the paint job.
  • Always wash your car after driving in salty conditions.
  • Avoid driving on gravel when possible which can also do a number on your paint job.
  • Do not park under trees, which often drip sap.
  • If leaves get on your car, remove them right away.  The acid from leaves can permanently stain your finish.
  • Avoid car washes that use brushes.  These often collect dirt that can then scratch your car’s finish.
  • Mask off textured moldings and bumper parts when waxing to avoid damaging or discoloring these areas.

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