Stop Speeding!

Speeding is a factor in one out of three fatal crashes!  Why are we still speeding?  According to Focus on Safety: A Practical Guide to Automated Traffic Enforcement, we are still speeding because: We’re in a hurry (that’s an obvious one) We’re not paying attention to our driving We don’t think traffic laws apply to… Read More

Construction in Tacoma, Pierce County & Safety

Spring is upon us and summer is right around the corner.  With the nicer weather comes an easier drive in some ways—and in other ways, not so much.  Spring and summer is also construction season.  Congestion around the Tacoma Dome and 38th street has been an issue for years, annoying drivers, slowing travel time, and… Read More

Alcohol Impaired Driving in 2010

In 2010, 10,228 people died in auto accidents that involved an impaired driver with a BAC of .08 or higher.  This number made up 31 percent of all traffic fatalities.   This number is down by 4.9 percent from 2009.  However, 2010’s numbers still amount to an alcohol related death every 51 minutes. We need to… Read More

Driver Safety Among the Young and Old

There are two age groups that have the highest likelihood of ending up in an auto body shop needing their car fixed, or worse.  It’s probably no surprise that it’s teenagers and the elderly.  Teenagers aged 16-17 are nine times more likely to crash their car versus middle-aged drivers.  The elderly aged 80 and older… Read More